The Holy Tavern

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    The Holy Tavern is located within the grounds of one of London’s most ancient hostelries -The Clerkenwell Priory. The priory was the headquarters of the Knights Hospitallers in England. The monastic order of the Knights Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem’s beginnings goes back to the Crusades. The priory dominated Clerkenwell from its foundation until the Dissolution of the Monasteries during the reign of Henry VIII. Bloody Mary briefly refounded the Priory that her father had partly torn down when she became Queen. Mary had fond memories of the Priory as she had often resided there when she was younger and she enjoyed watching heretics she was having burnt at nearby Smithfield market. The Priory gatehouse, just down the ancient medieval alley (St John’s Path running next to The Holy Tavern), has a museum with a discretely curtained display dedicated to England’s most bloodthirsty monarch – Queen Mary. Just draw back the black velvet and look upon Bloody Mary. The museum traces the history of the Knights from their origins caring for sick pilgrims through the Crusades and their modern incarnation as the St John Ambulance – the international first aid charity.

    The priory was founded in the 1140s during the reign of Henry II and run on Augustinian rules. It was built on five acres of land just outside the City of London that stretched from St John’s Street down to the River Fleet. The Knights dressed in black cloaks emblazoned with a white cross. 

    The Holy Tavern logo is inspired by the Knights Hospitallers’ dress code and their swords! 

    Golden letters, a cross / sword on a black background. 

    The Knights were forced from the Holy Land by the Saracens but were granted a new home in Malta by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. However, an annual rent of one falcon was to be paid to the King of Spain
