50,000 pubs & bars in the UK
5 K
Jobs in pubs and bars in the UK
4 0 k
The size of the pub industry in the UK
1 0 B

About PintWorks

Welcome to PintWorks, where we are revolutionizing what it means to work behind a bar! We are a London-based company seeking to connect pubs, bars and taprooms across the city with quality, reliable staff.

Are you seeking a full-time role in an up and coming bar in Soho? Maybe you’re looking for shifts at the pub just down the end of your street? Back from University for the holidays and looking to make some cash whilst you’re back? 

We’ve got you covered! Our platform is a backstage pass to the city’s endless supply of venues in the pub and bar industry. Let employers know exactly what it is you’re looking for, and dive headfirst into the frothy, foamy and fabulous world of pub and bar jobs! So sign up with us, and bottoms up to your journey at PintWorks!